It's Official

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

As I've promised before.. I'll talk about all those mysterious posts I've made previously.

It started with the resignation of one of my dear colleague at the end of the year. Therefore, my boss asked me to take her position. I've had a bad impression for the position since my early year in this Uni. So I had once decided to never want to take that position someday in the future.

Actually, he had once offered me the position 2 years ago, but his boss didn't approve me to take that position then, and his boss prefer my friend to take the position. So I didn't get the job, my friend did. Frankly, I was a bit disappointed for this. But, since I didn't really want the job, so I quickly can overcame my disappointment.

But this time I got the offer for this position again, while I was waiting for another position that I've been fighting for about 3 years, and it had been already 80% sure.

At first I was confidently saying "No" to him, since I've never liked the position and I really wanted the other position that I've been waiting. Also unfortunately, the disappointment from 2 years ago still hung around in my heart. He asked me to think about it. He gave me about 3 days to think about it.

After 3 days, I still confidently said "No" to him. And he asked me to re-think again. I did re-think, asked for pros and cons from some friends. All of them advised me to take the job. They said that actually all these times I had done part of the job, so why didn't I take the job if I would still do part of the job too whoever takes the job later.

I still wasn't confidently assured to take the job. Cause I know this job is a tough one. Other assured me that I would be able to do the job. He said I wouldn't be alone in doing this job, I'll have the Best Support a person can have.

After I thought about all these advised, I still can't decide it. While it was the day that I had to answer my boss, and I still didn't know what to tell him. I got depressed a little bit, and decided not to think about it anymore. I thought I'll just say what my heart would say when the time to answer came.

And it came... He asked me, and I still can't find the answer. While I was waiting for him to finish his words, the conflict in my heart became worse. But then, when he finished with his words, suddenly my heart said "Yes". Then I said "Yes" to him though I still can't accept it 100%.

He was quite happy with my answer. He said that he would ask for approval to his boss. After he said that, the disappointment from 2 years ago, came up. So I said, "if this time he didn't approve me to take this job, please don't offer me this job again in the future." And he said OK. And then we had a holiday.

Back from the holiday, I got the news that his boss said "Yes" about me taking the job. I felt like a burden was put in my shoulder, since I still can't accept this job 100%.

However, I believe when He allows something happen in my life, that something has been put in my way, then it would be the best thing for me to do.

Today I was told that the position has been officially mine since January 2009.

So here I am.. the Deputy Head of Computer Science Department of BIN*S UNIVERSITY.


I should say bye bye to Sweden, since the Head of Department has decided to go, so I can't go either..

I should say bye bye to Head of Computing Laboratory position, since someone else has been appointed to take that position..

I could probably say bye bye to ICPC, since with my work load now I don't think I can handle such big event..

Here's my oath

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the Deputy Head of Computer Science Department of BIN*S UNIVERSITY. And will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Computer Science Department of BIN*S UNIVERSITY.

So, help me God.." (quoted from Obama's presidential inauguration oath)

Wish me luck friends :)

*Ada yang mo bantu saya pindahan barang ?? :D*


posted by Me at 12:26 PM, | 27 comments


Thursday, January 15, 2009
Kenny & Oyen


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posted by Me at 7:25 PM, | 11 comments

Sedih ? Ga Tau..

Monday, January 12, 2009
Da dari sejak 3 taon yang lalu g berjuang untuk mewujudkan suatu impian g. Dari sejak baru ide doang, tus g disuru ngembangin ide itu untuk bisa direalisasikan. Dari sejak itu g uda mencurahkan banyak waktu dan pikiran g untuk bisa merealisasikan impian itu.

Taon pertama, dari ide kecil yang cuma coret2 di buku catetan *saking bosennya sama rapatnya*, tus g kasi liat ma yang berwenang. Dia bilang, ok.. coba dikembangin de, kan kita juga emang lagi pengen buat yang kaya gitu. Akhirnya g coba kembangin konsepnya, supaya terlihat lebih bagus. Awalnya cuma ada 1 bagian, akhirnya g kembangin jadi 2 bagian. Sampai g uda bikin juga list kebutuhan barang dan desain ruangannya juga.

Taon kedua, disuru meresmikan konsep yang uda g bikin dari taon sebelumnya. Disuru buat proposalnya yang lengkap. Dan bikin desain ruangan yang lebih baik. Tus konsepnya dikuatin lagi, kasi hasil2 yang akan bisa didapatkan dari project ini. Mikir siang malem, enaknya dibikin gimana supaya bisa meyakinkan orang. Setelah g merasa da cukup mateng, akhirnya g submit ke yang berwenang. Disuru siap2 bikin presentasinya, uda bikin... tapi sampe akhir taon ga disuru presentasi juga.

Taon ketiga, da mulai sedikit muak.. gara2nya janjinya diundur2 terus. Akhirnya taon ini disuru bener2 matengin proposal plus bikin budgettingnya juga. Pinjem sana pinjem sini, buat format budget sama cari ide untuk program kerja dll. Akhirnya disuru presentasi juga. Awal2 presentasi ke Rektor.. Ditebas kiri kanan, walo dia setuju untuk merealisasikannya. Tapi masalahnya.. ruangan yang mo dipake blom ada. Nego kiri kanan, cari depan blakang.. masa kampus gede gini ko ga ada ruangan se ahh..

Akhirnya dikasi tau.. dapet ruangan ne.. waahhh seneng banget.. tus disuru sesuain desain ruangan sama ruangan yang mo dikasi. Akhirnya ganti desain ruangan untuk kesekian kalinya... Setelah itu.. ya uda ok.. uda bole direalisasikan.. Akhirnya bikin permintaan barang.. kebetulan uda mo dipake. Tunggu punya tunggu... malah ga jadi ruangannya.. alahhhh bikin tambah sebel ajah..

Akhirnya disuru presentasi lagi. Kale ne di depan owner.. gara2nya ruangan yang dulu da dijanjikan buat g, eh ternyata sudah dijanjikan ke orang laen. Akhirnya terjadi perebutan ruangan. Dan akibatnya suru presentasi ke owner tentang project g ini. Wah.. ne penderitaan banget pas harus presentasi ke owner. Disuru dateng jam 11. Begitu sampe sana, owner masi rapat ma yang laen. Tus pas jam 12, rapatnya owner ma yang laen t da selesai.. ehhh.. pake makan dulu owner2nya.. g da kelaperan, ga berani pegi makan. Takut klo tiba2 dipanggil presentasi g lagi makan kan ga lucu..

Akhirnya jam 1 baru dipanggil masuk.. perut uda melilit.. untung bukan g yang disuru presentasi. Bos g yang turun tangan presentasi. Abis presentasi, eh malah owner2 t pada berantem sendiri masalah boleh atau tidak nya ne project g jalan. Akhirnya mereka bilang bole, walopun bole nya tu ga mantep gitu.. Masih ngambang.. And bikin g tambah putus asa aja. Males juga kan klo da seneng2 dibolein, tapi tiba2 ntar pas mo jalan tiba2 bilang ga bole, gara2 waktu bilang bole nya tu mereka ga mantep gitu.. Uda muak juga se nunggu 3 taon ga dapet2..

Memasukin taon ke empat dengan harapan project g jalan semakin menipis.. Bener2 ga ada harapan ne project bakal jalan apa ga.. Ehh.. g malah disuru pegang kerjaan yang laen, yang sebenernya g ga pengen kerjain. Padahal rencananya klo tu project jadi jalan, g yang mo disuru pegang tu project. Karena disuru kerjain yang laen, sudah mikir pasti tu project ga jadi dikasi.

Suatu hari yang cerah. Tiba2 g dipanggil Pak De, dikasi tau klo akhirnya buat project g dikasi ruangan juga. Wooooo.. seneng se karena akhirnya project itu beneran jadi dijalanin.. Tapi karena g sudah ada kerjaan laen, bagaimanapun ga mungkin g merangkap pekerjaan. Jadi g harus merelakan project itu dipegang sama orang laen, yang bahkan ga pernah ikut campur sedikitpun ke project g itu.

Sedih ?? di satu sisi iya.. karena yang g perjuangkan susah2 pake bete2 kesel2, kelaperan dan sebagainya.. waktu akhirnya terlaksana, g ga bisa ikutan menikmati. Tapi di sisi lain, ada rasa lega juga, karena akhirnya tu project ada tanda2 untuk jalan juga walo baru dapet ruangan doang se, blom bener2 jalan..

Waktu liat ruangannya, sempat kepikir mo lepas kerjaan yang sekarang, pengen ambil yang project ini aja. Tapi, kayanya ga bakal dikasi si sama orang2 di atas sana klo g lepas kerjaan yang ini.. Jadi ya sudahla.. terima saja apa adanya... May be He wants me to do this, for this is the best for me.. not that...

Yah, moga2 pertengahan taon ini bisa kelar semua persiapan, and project nya bisa berjalan deh..


posted by Me at 5:32 PM, | 8 comments


Wah.. da bedebu ne blog, da lama ga diupdate.. sapu2 & bersi2 dulu de hehehe..

Nah.. da bersi.. sekarang g mo cerita2 lagi.. hehehe..

Dari awal taon, da mulai belajar bangun pagi.. ga tanggung2.. dari yang biasanya bangun jam 9 an (9.55 masi 9 an kan ya :p) sekarang belajar bangun jam 7 pagi. Ya walopun dengan sedikit paksaan se *kan ga mo kalah duluan :p hehheh*, tapi untungla sampe hari ini masi berjalan dengan lancar blom bolong 1 kali pun.

Repotnya ne.. belajar bangun paginya ga tanggung2.. ga pake weker :D hahaha.. *sok gaya se.. :p* nah.. berhubung ga pake weker, jadi kadang2 klo kebangun jam 6.30 gitu, da ga tenang klo mo lanjutin bobo bentar lagi.. klo klewat kan, sayang... jadi bolong t rekor nya hahah.. jadi klo da 6.30 kadang2 ga bo2 lagi, langsung pegi mandi aja.. jadi akhirnya malah lebih sering bangun 6.30 daripada jam 7.

Nah, tadi pagi t, ga tau kenapa.. tiba2 g kebangun tus liat jam dinding.. wah uda jam 7.. musti bangun ne.. padahal masi ngantuk soalnya semalam bo2nya agak telat gara2 siapin bahan ngajar ga kelar2 dari siang *mana pas 4.30 sempat bangun liat hasil akhir Milan lage :((* tapi apa mo dikata, da jam 7 and da janji ma san2 juga mo masuk jam 8. Lagian pas bangun uda lumayan seger d matanya.. Jadi ya bangun aja de..

Nyalain lampu kamar tus langsung siap2 mo mandi. Nas pas mo ambil handuk, kebetulan keliatan jam tangan.. sekelebat ko di jam tangan g masi jam 6 pagi.. liat sekali lagi ke jam tangan.. ehhh.. ko bener jam 6, wah jam tangan g salah kali ya.. Jadi nengok ke atas d, liat jam dinding..


Lah kooookkk.....


Cak manooooo....

Ternyata huhuhu... g yang sala liat jam.. ternyata emang beneran masi jam 6 > < halahhh... Tadinya da nekat tetep mo mandi, tapi g pikir2 ngapain juga g mandi sekarang, ntar klo jam 7 da selesai beres2 masa g mo masuk kantor jam 7.. emang g mo bersi2 akademis lage.. huhuuuuu.. ga ah..

so on second thought.. g taro lagi semua peralatan mandi, tiduran lage di kasur, tarik selimut and bobo lage.. dengan harapan ntar jam 7 bisa kebangun.. huhuhu.. tapi bobonya kale ne ga tenang juga.. tiap 10 menit kebangun untuk liat jam dinding.. untung g ga sala liat2 lagi.. akhirnya jam 7 pas g kebangun juga.

Tapi kali ne pas kebangun, matanya berat banget. Ga rela banget mo bangunnya.. tapi klo ga bangun ntar berabe huhuh > < *ada yang seneng ne klo g ga bangun..* Jadi ya tetep bangun de walo dengan mata berat masi pengen nutup.. mana dingin2 gitu lagi.. selimut & kasur kayanya mengundang2 buat ditidurin lagi.. huhuhu.. tapi akhirnya tetep bangun juga, mengalahkan semua rayuan kasur dan selimut ituuhhh..

*Kayanya perlu beli jam dinding yang lebi gede ne, jadi ga salah2 lagi liat jam > <*


posted by Me at 3:38 PM, | 3 comments

He Said "Yes"

Monday, January 05, 2009
He said "Yes"

O my my..
Though I don't really want this..
Just to think about things I should do..
Don't know if I can make it or not through this year..

But I believe, He's words and promises..
He won't give me anything I'm not supposed to have it..
Everything's in my life has been planned perfectly..

God has put it in my way..
What else can I do, but to accept it..

Yesterday I got this verse as my yearly verse :

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you." (Psalm 32:8)

And I'm sure He won't let me do this alone..
As one had ever said to me :

"You're not alone, you have God the Father
He will always be by your side"

So I put my trust in You, God..
To guide me in all things I should do..
Cause it's not by my power and strength..
But by Your spirit that gives me the ability..
And let the glory to be all Yours only..
Soli Deo Gloria..

PS : still not official yet.. so sorry to keep you guessing..
but I'm sure some of you have known what I'm talking about..
just keep it closed, till it's official :) thanks..


posted by Me at 4:27 PM, | 10 comments


Friday, January 02, 2009
This is the first day I woke up on my bed,
this year..

This is the first day I try to start a new habit,
well there's a pressure *or is it a present?* for it :))

This is the first day I entered my office,
after a long day offs *bout 2 weeks*

This is the first day for me as the first comer,
Akademis was still "kosong melompong" when I came..

This is the first day I'm blogging in this year,
Find out that some people have started earlier..

This could be the first day of my new commitment,
let's see what he's gonna say about it..

However, this is the 2nd day in this new year,
so Happy New Year everyone..

Let's make a better year for Him, for people around us
And especially, for ourselves :)

Don't forget your bad things in the past
Cause you can learn something from it and be better
Don't forget your mistakes in the past
Cause you'll need it to warn yourself sometimes in the future
But forgive yourself for doing and having them
Then you can build your tomorrow better than before

Don't forget to count all of His blessings in the pasts
Cause it will remind you that He cares for you
And all of things that you've been through
Are nothing but the goodness of you
For He's the great planner of our lives
So we can live a great life for Him

(02012009 08:55:59)


posted by Me at 8:21 AM, | 9 comments