
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Dear God,

This one looks good for me..
But God.. I really don't want it..
Never want this one..

Please don't put this one in my way..
I am satisfied with what I got now..
Though it's not perfect..

Can I make a bargain ?
Still remember "that" that I wanted ?
Can I have it instead of this ?

Though it's not really "that" now..
But, the not really "that" is what I prefer..
And I want it..

However, You're the great planner..
I'll let You decide which to give me then..
I'm sure it would be the best..


*Why should it be me.. ??*


posted by Me at 4:31 PM, |


Hmm.. looks like you're having a hard time.. carreer wise, perhaps?
Just make sure that you know what you're doing. :)
you have my full support whatever HIS doa aj dl y..hehehe
this? That?

hais God will give you the best.. no matter it is "this" or "that" ;)
apaan sich this dan that? ada apa toh?
yang pasti selalu doain yang terbaek buat cici deh :)
fyuh..this and that post again :D though dunno what's going on there...but glad to read the last part ^ ^ the will of surrender...will make a room for Him to improve u, though u don't understand it ^^
*dalem juga yak komen daku kali ini :P*

btw @ anung.
kaget baca ada haisnya hahaha..karena di sini ituh hais kata kuasarrr looo kkkkk *daku juga baru tau pas nyampe sinih :D*
i know it's complicated,
but life goes on lalala ..
lets sing together =)
@cipi : iya ne.. bingung.. mau apa ga ya.. huhuhu..

@cLyNx : doain dunkz, terima offernya pa ga ya.. tapi ga pengeennn >.<

@Anung : aminnnnn.. tapi maunya "that" aja :))

@Fun : hehehe.. kerjaan ne Fun.. mo ambil yang mana yaa.. thanks doanya..

@Tata : roh penurut tapi daging lemah Ta >.<

@Kumink : huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... life goes on ko.. *ne ga da hub sama yang waktu tu daku cerita loh ming :D hehehe..*
cerita2 dunk

fakta menarik mengenai pria
saat seorang wanita bilang dia bae2 aj maka pria akan makin khawatir dan cari tau yg akhirnya kepikiran ampe susah tidur <---- pengalaman pribadi ><
belom saatnya bercerita dengan gamblang.. :D
mudah2an Tuhan gak kaya gua yang bingung ama this & that :P
hahah.. harusnya se ga Viol.. Dia kan tau isi hati semua orang :p heheh..
congratulations in advance :-D
congratulation ? should it be a congratulation ? >.<