
Friday, January 02, 2009
This is the first day I woke up on my bed,
this year..

This is the first day I try to start a new habit,
well there's a pressure *or is it a present?* for it :))

This is the first day I entered my office,
after a long day offs *bout 2 weeks*

This is the first day for me as the first comer,
Akademis was still "kosong melompong" when I came..

This is the first day I'm blogging in this year,
Find out that some people have started earlier..

This could be the first day of my new commitment,
let's see what he's gonna say about it..

However, this is the 2nd day in this new year,
so Happy New Year everyone..

Let's make a better year for Him, for people around us
And especially, for ourselves :)

Don't forget your bad things in the past
Cause you can learn something from it and be better
Don't forget your mistakes in the past
Cause you'll need it to warn yourself sometimes in the future
But forgive yourself for doing and having them
Then you can build your tomorrow better than before

Don't forget to count all of His blessings in the pasts
Cause it will remind you that He cares for you
And all of things that you've been through
Are nothing but the goodness of you
For He's the great planner of our lives
So we can live a great life for Him

(02012009 08:55:59)


posted by Me at 8:21 AM, |


yesss..first comment ^ ^
Happy new year jugaaa....huii jarang2 posting dicatet waktunya ampe detil hihihi...
good good... ayooo besok2 before 9 lagi yaaaa~~

happy new year^ ^

kayanya se bakal sering before 9 se :))
bersih2 akademis y dateng pagi2?? ternyata taon baru merangkap jadi OB toh..:p
klo mo bersi2 mah, datengnya harus jam 6.. jadi bangun harus jam 5..

sanggup ? :p hahaha...
happy new year mot.. :)
postingan yang berat untuk memulai tahun huehehe :P
heheh.. gpp la berat di awal, klo da terbiasa, jadi enteng lama2 :))

*ga nyambung y :p*

happy new year too Viol :)
Happy New Year Ceemot!

semoga sukses deh taun ini, doain saya ya

hepi nu year Ceemot, semoga tahun ini lebih bagus dari tahun sebelumnya ^^
@xander & pitshu : happy new year too.. thanks :)