Knock.. Knock..

Saturday, February 02, 2008
Knock.. knock..
I'm knocking at the door
Don't know whether it'll be heard or not

Knock.. knock..
I'm knocking at the door
Don't know would it be opened for me

Knock.. knock..
I'm knocking at the door
Don't know when it'll be opened for me

Knock.. knock..
I'm knocking at the door
Hoping I'm knocking at the right one

"Knock and the door will be opened to you (Mat 7:7)-NIV"


posted by Me at 11:27 AM, |


Knock.. knock..
i'm knocking at the door
somebody behind the door said:

"brisikk... baru jam 8:00.." ^^

JK...JK.. peace.. ^^
hmm.. sapa ni ya kok anonymous :D hehehe..

hiks.. diomelin.. huhuhuh ahuaaa... :((