AtoZ (Bukan Merk Mobil)

Thursday, December 11, 2008
AtoZ of Me, from Epi..

A - Available or Single?

Unfortunately both >.<

B - Best Friend?
My Sis, Nance, Lya

C - Cake or Pie?
No fans of both.
I love Eaton's "Chashew Pao". It's a bun. Why didn't it have bun in the question ? :p

D - Drink of Choice?
Plain Iced Tea or Cold Ocha or anything a like.. *cheap and in some places you can refill for more :p*

E - Essential Item(s)?
Some clothes to cover my body.
Won't go around without clothes would I :)) haha..

F - Favorite Color?
Blue.. All kind of blues..

G - Gummi Bears or Worms?
Cause the girl in the adv said "don't chop the bear, daddy." or is it "the dino" ? haha.. can't remember exactly the adv though :D

H - Hometown?
Kudus means Holy but no Hollywood nor Bollywood :p

I - Indulgence?
Traveling around the world.
I wish.. But since my wallet can't afford it plus the Tax Officer will question me if I have too many overseas traveling, so around Indonesia would be OK :)

J - January or February?
Can I change the question ? "July or February ?" it's started with J too :D

K - Kids?
Love them generally.
But can't stand them when they become so naughty, especially Kenny :p*

L - Life is incomplete without?
Can you imagine my life without me ?

M - Marriage Date?
Did my mom make this question ? hahah..

N - Number of Siblings?
I have one older sister.

O - Oranges or Apples?
I remember when I was a kid, My sister and I always asked for orange flavor for any kind of foods with flavors. Even I had my rice with oranges :)) But now I prefer Strawberry flavored ice cream than Orange one.

P - Phobias/Fears?
So many holes put together (e.g. : bee's nest).
Got this itchy feeling on my back every time I see or even just think about this kind of image or figure *just like now >.<*

Q - Favorite Quote?

"small in size but not small in sense" by me :))
Well, this quote was inspired by Dao Ming Shi's mistakenly pronounced "sense" as "size"

R - Reasons to Smile?
Cause I know that I am saved :)

S - Season?
Rainy Season.
My room's temperature is better in this season. Since I am not allowed to have AC in my room :((

T - Tag Three?
Tata, Sanzz, Mr.E.

U - Unknown Fact About You?
Do you know that I still come late for work, even after my boss has told me not to ? *not so unknown fact is it ? :)) hahah*

V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals?
Well I can eat both.. as I am a homo sapience which is an omnivore species.

W - Worst habits?
Left my belongings around and forgetting where I put them afterward.
And when I remember, sometimes it's too late or I can't find them on the place that I know I have left them, cause unfortunately I didn't leave them there :))

X - X-rays or Ultrasounds?

I had X-rays once, but no Ultrasounds.. so should I choose X-rays ?

Y - Your Favorite Foods?
Pork Ham Ma Ling *colek2 Tata :))*
Well I was to say Indomie.. but someone told me it will make you 'lemot'.. since I have 'lemot' already, don't want to make it worse.. so I failed Indomie and choose Pork Ham Ma Ling though I still love Indomie.. :p

Z - Zodiac?
That crab thing on the astrology signs.

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posted by Me at 10:59 AM, |


Hometown > Holy Town. Sadis! :))
emangnya maling gak bikin lemot hehe :P
jadi mot.. kapan merit? wakaka :D
abisnya blom dijawab tuh ^^
gw kirain mau bahas soal merk atoz yang dibilang bukan mobil hehehe
A - Available or Single?
Unfortunately both >.< <---- maksudnya married? hihihi...akhirnya mengakui jg lol...

knp judulnya atoz btw?
g kira beli mobil Atoz, udah orangnya kecil imoet, beli boilnya imoet juga ^^
Pork Ham Ma Ling? Ciel itu dari china lohhh... ga takut itu daging babi jadi2an? =))
@Cipi : apanya yang sadis cip ? :D

@Viol : ga dunkz.. bikin pinter itu :)) hahah.. merit ? ahaha.. tar g tanya yang mo merit'in g dulu.. =))

@Fun : hahaha.. emang ada gitu ?

@Xin : artinya single dan available.. bukan married atu..

@Pitshu : ahahah... maunya yang imut juga tapi ga mo atoz ah :))

@Epi : hahah.. gpp de pi.. yang penting enak ini :))
eh iya salah baca...kebacanya "sayangnya, ga dua2nya"...entah darimana ada kata "ga" nya...ahiak
hiyaaaaaaaa saya mauuuuu nasi + maling bulet aliong...malingnya 2!!!
cukup deee... ga mo aneh2 lagi...
(tapi kalo ditambah piggy yang potong2 itu juga mau hahaha)
jaat ah..ngomongin maling bulet yang selalu bersinar kalo abis digoreng ㅠㅜ *semenderita itukah dirikuuuu*

Wow, kenny has a blog???

weks...i think the Unknown Fact About You is not unknown :P
@xin : hahaha.. sugesti itu.. hahah..

@tata : makan aliong ah ntar :)) hahah enak loh ta =p~
ih... gue baru sadar kalo di gue, ga ada pertanyaan nomor V-nya loh hihihihihi...
Single and evelebel?? ihik ihik... *senggol2 ci yen* :p
@des : heheh.. kayanya karena ngopi dari epi kali ya ?

@Anung : *senggol Anung balik..* napa Nung ?? mau ?? :))
Wehehehe. komplit A sampe Z :p
heheh.. iya dunkz, sesuai perintah :))
A - U r Attractive
B - U r the Best
C - U r Cute
D - U r Dear 2 Me
E - U r Excellent
F - U r Funny
G - U r Good-Looking
H - Hehehe
I - I'm
saya kan cuma minta 1 word, ko banyak se.. tus postnya t yang di 1 word... bukan di sini..

ah.. pake joking2 segala ;;)

klo nge-fans mah ngaku aja t..

=)) hahahah...