God's Way

Wednesday, July 01, 2009
My preacher said on his sermon last sunday :

"God's ways are not always smooth yet mostly rough"

Dear God,
If this is the part of the roughness of Your way,
Please give me strength that I won't give up,
Please give me faith that I will not doubt it,
Please give me wisdom that I will know what to do and say,
That Your will be done in my life,

"Facebook oh facebook.."


posted by Me at 2:15 PM, |


Apa hubungannya God's Way sama facebook yah?? ga mudeng neh..
ya pokoknya ada hubungannya de.. hahah :D
jadi inget pidato anak kecil tentang " ibu dan facebook " wakakkaakak...

ini " God dan Facebook " hahaha
iya, apa hubungannya ama fb? :P
waduh...bukan yang gara2 aku pemicunya itu kan ci??? >.<
@pitshu : hahaha.. ga jauh2 juga c :))

@pucca : ga tau juga si.. sapa tau Tuhan di surga maen facebook juga :p

@santi : hmmm :))