Can't Wait To See You..

Monday, June 15, 2009
Last time I saw you was on April..
Since then I haven't got any chance to see you again..
Got some pictures of you..
But still can't help me not to miss you..

But now..
I got the chance to see you..
I promise you I'll be there on Sunday..
Can't wait to see you...

Eunice Daphne Johan
My new niece, little sister of Kenny
Cute one, isn't she ?

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posted by Me at 5:20 PM, |


masih kecil aj da ngerti di foto yah..udah bs senyum di foto..tar gede nya bakal narcis ky ii nya d.. :p
hahaha.. narcis itu bakat tau :p
kirain foto ceemot waktu kecil :)
ya mirip2 la dikit...
lho.. kok pitshu lom terima undangannya tau2 udah brojollll

undangan married cc g pit ? da kelamaan kale hahaha.. :p