
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's 3.40 PM..

The clock keeps ticking..

It's 1,5 hours more to go..

My eyelids are beginning to close..

Bit by bit..

Can they hang on for more 1,5 hours ??

Can't they ??

Should I close them just now...

Shouldn't I ??


Can I just move the clock forward to 5pm ??

I need some sleep....

*dilarang protess.. :D*

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posted by Me at 3:31 PM, |


sleep tight~~~
not now.. otherwise I'll get SP hahaha..
gampang ci...pake aj kacamata yg digbrin mata...jdnya kan keliatannya matanya buka trus padahal uda nutup nyahahaha...

kl ga ditahan pake korek api kelopaknya kaya mr. bean buahahaha...
error ihhh...
3.40 ke 5.00 tuh kan ga nyampe 1,5 jam..korupsi waktu neh..hahaha
selamaatt tiduuur :)
@cLynx : bagus dunk nambahin waktu, bukan korupsi dunk tu :D hehe..

@fun : yokkk...