My Name's Kevin

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I had a dream last night. In my dream, a guy's inaugurated for a position. While he was inaugurating, he's holding a boy's hand. The boy's jumping and running around, but the guy wasn't bothered at all. After the inauguration ended, he was coming toward me, and then he handed me the boy and said to me "Take care of him." And I said "OK.." And he left for somewhere.

A very cute 4-5 years old boy. Wearing shirts with black and white strips printed on his shirt, and a trousers. Then I asked him "What's your name?", and he answered me "My name's Kevin." Then he asked me "Who are you?" And I'd never known where it came from, suddenly the words're flowing out of my mouth "I'm your mother." And my dream's ended there. It's 7.30 am, I woke up with stomachache, had to go to the toilet now.

After finishing my toilet-business, I got back to my bed, looking for more Kevin in my dreams, but never found him again till my watch rang. It's 9 am, another late to work.

hmm... wonder what's the meaning of the strange isn't it?

Well, after having the dream I promissed to my self that I would name my first son, Kevin, to remember this dream. And Allethea will come after Kevin, if only God gives me a chance to have a daughter.

*Doh.. kejauhan neh mikirnya.. cari tau "the guy" nya dulu ah :)*


I just got the news that my friend (who was born on the same day with me), just gave birth to twin boys named Klaus Dareen Vittorio & Klaudius Kenaan Vittorio..

last time I had a dream about having a child, my best friend gave birth to her son the next morning...

hmm.. strange....

However, Welcome to the world, Dareen & Kenaan..


posted by Me at 2:10 PM, |


cieeee.. kapan ni punya anak :P

jgn lupa nikahnya, jgn punya anak dolo :P
hahaha.. didoakan saja ya :D
kapan kevin ketemu ruenna ??? :D
Hueee... Kevin menggeser Allethea..
Ah blognya jadi ga indah, karena ada insinden sakit perut = ='
Mother sensenya tiba muncul neee... Dukung dukung..ayo ci, jadi kapan masak lagi (huahuahua.... * mo enaknya aja ne)

Errr... jangan2 the guy na named kevin ci ;) * cring cring...
mwakaka.. ayo ci semoga sering mimpi ginian biar penduduk indo tambah banyak :p
aih nama nya keren ama darren ama keenan 8-> kevin itu nama anak ciel kelak kali :D
@kumink : hmmm.. kapan ya... makanya Ruenna lairna jangan duluin Kevin ya :))

@tata : kan Allethea nama ce Ta, masa cowo dikasi nama Allethea :D

masak apa ya... :))

@anung : adohh.. tambah sempit dong Indo nya..
@epi : iya pi.. I've made a promisse to my self.. will name my first son "Kevin" :D heheh..
Asli deh. Ceritanya pas bagus-bagusnya diselingi sakit perut. Ancur deh langsung imajinasi gw pas baca.
Ci... Aku mau donk jadi best friend.. Jadi kalo pas mau punya anak ngga usah buru2 ke dokter..

*kayanya ada bakat paranormal nih ci..
@yulius : hahaha.. maap ye buat yang kecewa karena sakit perut :D but that was what happened this morning :)

@felix : hmm.. boleh, ada taripna ya.. :))
emang allethea itu apaan mot?singkatan? atau ada arti kusus?
Allethea itu dapetnya dari nama Alette (tokoh di novel Sydney Sheldon yang Tell Me Your Dreams), berhubung namanya bagus, jadi dimodif dikit jadi di Allethea :D heheh.. gitu ceritana..
alette ditambahin ea ...
good yet strange dream u had! ;)
It should be a good sign anyway. :D

hah, ternyata ngambil dari tokoh tell me your dreams toh.. subarashii yo.
eh nama anak2 sahabat lu keren banget.

btw, allethea itu nama darimana sih, mot?
@kumink : hmm.. padahal waktu create nama ga terpikir itu.. another coincidence do you think ?? plus those coincidences I told you yesterday ?? :)) *ngareppp...*

@sakuralady : hoping really hard that this could be a good sign and not just some "bunga tidur"

@susi : iya.. namanya bagus2 ya. emang orangna creatip si :D

nama allethea dapet dari nama tokoh di novel Sydney Sheldon yang Tell Me Your Dreams, tus di modif dikit Sus.. :D
hix...good sign nya beneran kejadian de... ayo ayo traktiran.. secara milan menang hueuehuehue....
Mari mari bagi² kebahagiaan dunk ci.. daku ready buat ditraktir
(manfaatin kesempatan mode on)
Good sign :)
@tata : katanya ga ada hubungannya ma bola :)) ga jadi traktir d hahah..

@hatjie : semoga.. [-o<
a dream is a wish your heart makes ..... hueuueheuhuehue =))
that's what I'm affraid of :(
hummm... mo tanya...
allethea itu nama darimana si ya...
klo g dapat nama allethea, uda g jelasin di comment seblomnya yang buat cc Nat & Susi.

berikut arti dan asal nama Alethea

The girl's name Alethea \a-le-thea\ is pronounced ah-lee-THEE-ah. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "verity, truth". A learned coinage, not found before the 16th century. Mythology: goddess of truth. See also Althea.

Alethea has 14 variant forms: Alathea, Alathia, Aleethia, Aleta, Aletea, Aletha, Alethia, Aletia, Aletta, Alette, Alithea, Alithia, Elethea and Elithia.

Allethea -> modif by Yen Lina :D
  At Friday, May 25, 2007 6:45:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
cee: Allethea -> modif by Yen Lina :D
ming: plus the miracle of coincidence huauhuahauhahha =))
  At Friday, May 25, 2007 7:49:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
@Kumink: lagi stress yah? dari atas ketawa mulu :P
hahahah... kirain Allethea itu dari bahasa sunda...

dibaca dengan logat sunda Al~e te~aa? seperti baca ini teh susu... :P~ wakakaka....
@kumink : well let's see what'll happen next :))

@hatjhie : klo ga ketawa mah bukan kumink namanya tjhie..

@jo : aihh.. masa nama sunda.. kebagusan atuu.. :))