The Winner

Friday, July 18, 2008
As I promissed before that I will announce the winner of the quiz today.

I've decided that there will be 2 winners of the quiz.

1. Erwin a.k.a Erw An : For being kind by not putting the right answer so soon, and make the quiz still playable, at least until the day after :D hehehe.. *I know you got the right answer*

2. Irwan a.k.a Clynx : For putting the right answer first. And put the way to solve the problem on the comment, that would save my energy to write it again :D.

The present will be given to you, soon I got the present in my hand.

Thanks to all who have participated in the quiz.


posted by Me at 10:00 AM, |


ceemot bikin kuis????????????????? kok gue ga tau... hiks... mbok ya di judul tulis "QUIS" gitu mot... hiks...

ayooo bikin kuis lagi... ayooooooooooo...

*nangis guling2*
hahaha... uda g pasang pengumuman di YM Status loh hari g bikin kuis :D hehehe..

ntar deh, daku pikirin lagi soalnya :))
heh ? kuis apaan nich ?!
wakakaka... YM status biasa na buat anak murid donk niy!!! wakakakaka..