Does It ?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Do you remember once I said to you,
"God, I 'm hoping for 2 things,
Frankly, I really want those 2 things,
But, if I only can choose one,
I'm prefer to get "this" than "that""

Now, I've been told "that" is on my way
I just want to ask You
"Since I've already got "that"
Does it mean that I am not going to get "this"?
Do I still have any chance to get "this" too ?"


*Am I being too greedy ?
But I really want "this" for me.

Still hope for another miracle*


posted by Me at 9:54 AM, |


weiz... maruk juga ni ci yen... hihihihi...

*blink ke timbuktu*

ups..i forget to mention that the 'god' was me :P
@xander : hehehe.. namanya juga manusia loh :D

@God : huhuhu.. well God, actually I can accept only "this" than only "that" :D so.. if You would, please take "that" and give me "this"

*masa nego sama Tuhan yaaa.. hahah*

@Pucca : hohoho.. untung Tuhannya si Pucca :D hehehe..
kalo diliat pak tong, dimarahin loooo.... hak apa kita bla bla bla :P


found 2 undefined variables...
found "this" in line 7,12,13
found "that" in line 7,9,11,

Error message :
Please define "this" and "that"

*ngakak baca comment tata*

sesajennya tambahin Mot, biar dapet 2-2nya hihi..
@tata : hehehe.. such an unthankfull girl I am ya.. hahah..

untuk Pak Tong ga baca ya..

"this" and "that" are not to be defined for some particular private reasons :)) hehehe..

@riep : hahaha.. masa Tuhan disogok pake sesajen *tambah diomelin ntar :))*
God tadi telp, katanya "this" nya udah bisa diambil.
yang bener minggg....