
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Miracle happens all the time
Sometimes it's us
Who just don't realise it
Sometimes it's us
Who just don't see it

Miracle happens all the time
Sometimes it happens
The way we want it to be happened
Yet sometimes it happens
The way we don't expect it

From the air that we breath
To the granted salvation
From the simplest thing
To the greatest thing
It happens to us

It could be an email
That will encourage you up
It could be a visit
That will bring joy to your day
It happens, we just need to realise it

Don't ask too much
Just think about it
And you'll realise it
That God has granted you a miracle
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and everyday

Hope for a Miracle today..


posted by Me at 5:26 PM, |


Hope the miracle comes to you :)
Miracle happens everyday.. Let's realize the miracle and His Kindness to us.. :)
enakan misedap daripada miracle ....

@Anung : thanks :)
@Felix : yes.. you're right :)
@Kuming : huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... ga doyan misedap >;p
* amin *
cos today is a present

* wink2 penuh arti ke c ceemot *
*wink2 balik ke tata ;;)*